Looking to get a Zimbabwean visa? The Republic of Zimbabwe is a landlocked country with South Africa to the south, Botswana to the southwest, Zambia to the northwest, and Mozambique to the east and north. Zimbabwe has a population of about 12.5 million and an area of 390,757 km². It is world-famous as the home of the largest waterfall in Africa,  Victoria Falls, Lake Chivero, and for the Hwange National Park.  Zimbabwe’s economy is abundant with mineral resources such as platinum, gold, diamond, and nickel. Zimbabwe’s agricultural wealth is also noteworthy in maize, tobacco, and cotton. If you are looking to grow your business or bring in the valuable skill set of your foreign employees in this jurisdiction, Zimbabwe offers various immigration options for exploring business opportunities, and for undertaking work. Please contact us for more information on how we may assist you in Zimbabwe. 


With Xpatweb, you will receive a set of integrated services designed to support you before and after your arrival in Zimbabwe. These include a foreign exchange service; company structure and cross border planning, proactive non-residency status confirmation; opening local and foreign bank accounts; South African Reserve Bank clearances; tax planning, compliance, and communication, as well as any customized requirements within our service range. We have a global team of more than 80 professionals, including immigration specialists, mobility practitioners, tax practitioners, attorneys, and chartered accountants, and this unique skillset allows us to address your immigration and residence needs holistically.

Our well-established network of law, tax, and financial firms will ensure a smooth transition into the Zimbabwean market



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